Feeling Stuck In Life? Let's Get Unstuck!

Feeling Stuck In Life? Let's Get Unstuck!

For the past several years, I've been working to create a life I don't want to escape from. A huge part of that journey has been to being more intentional and dedicated to doing more of the things that make me happy, grounded and accepting that I'm worthy of a life I love and nurture. For the longest I had become accustomed to accepting whatever life threw at me and acting grateful— but even on days I was happy, I wasn’t fulfilled.  I often found myself force feeding gratitude down my throat, out of fear of seemingly appearing ungrateful. Forcing myself to always focus on what was going great in my situation, or telling myself it could be worse.

This imposter mentality stopped me from addressing the lack of true joy I wasn't experiencing daily. It also prevented me from seeking opportunities that aligned with the vision God has for my life.  I was in a community where when people were asked about good things happening in their lives, some would only be able to reference events from their childhood, mid twenties, or just lacked any vision for their life at all. I asked myself am I truly living or just existing? Have I accepted what life has thrown at me, or do I start evolving, self caring, taking risks and being who God called me to be? I refuse to allow my past to define me or peoples’ negative opinions of who I should be.

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable” ~ Peter McWilliams.

I realized I lived my life being uncomfortable, and what actually made me cringe was that being uncomfortable was a hidden blessing in disguise. It was the solution to becoming UNSTUCK!  Sometimes we'll shy away from being uncomfortable, because we assume we're failing miserably or we tend to focus on society views vs. God's promises. When we are uncomfortable, it's a sign we are starting a growth process.

How do you become unstuck with life?

I've learned that over time, doing things that scare us can actually help build our capacity to tolerate the unknown and uncertainty with faith. It increases our self-confidence when we realize we can do hard things. So, embrace and lean into your uncomfortable state, then own it. This period of discomfort could be one of the scariest and most exciting times of our lives! I realize taking risks exposes us to criticism, rejection, judgment, anxiety, and hearing the word “NO” more often.  We may even become upset that more people aren't more forthcoming about their negative life experiences.

Beautiful, be mindful not to compare yourself to others. Sometimes we want to know that other people are struggling too, so we don’t feel alone. But this is not a healthy way of thinking or living. You and I don’t need to know every single detail of another’s life —it’s none of our business! No one on this earth is without worry, or hardship (write that down) no matter how they dress it up.  Find things to look forward too that bring you joy, and glorify God.