They Say: God Doesn’t Call the Qualified, He Equips the Called

They Say: God Doesn’t Call the Qualified, He Equips the Called

They say, " God doesn't call the qualified, He equips the Called." What do you say? It's easy to take a catch phrase and dilute God's word be it intentionally, or unintentionally. You make a mistake when you use the world’s measuring stick to judge the qualities of a Christian. A person’s good deeds, poise, popularity or success in the business world means nothing to God on their own. For example, a financial or real estate expert in his niche can do nothing for God without a rock solid relationship with Jesus. Likewise, the most successful pastor will be an utter failure running a church without a heart for Jesus.

He Calls the Devoted

The sole defining quality of great workers for the Lord is having a relationship with Him. God will give you the ability to do His will if you genuinely seek to do it. God doesn’t call the qualified for His work, because they are numerous. God calls the man who is devoted to God, and His work. He then equips him for the tasks ahead lacking nothing. Pursuing and operating in anything other than Godliness is setting up the church up for disaster.

God Chose You For A Purpose

Paul was perhaps the last person in the world to be chosen an Apostle before meeting Jesus. It would be like asking Osama Bin Laden to be the Pope for three days!  Based on logic and history, it is just not going to end well. But God picked Paul and made him His chosen vessel to use for the remainder of his lifetime. God’s choice of Paul was perfect and awesome. This was not because Paul was a diamond in the rough. This was not Paul discovering his untapped potential. It was God’s power working through a desperately unqualified, but willing servant.

The person who is completely fearful, and overwhelmed by the idea of the position, but is on fire for the Lord is God’s first choice.

It may not seem to make sense at the time, but God does not judge like you and I do. He does not look at the outward appearance, but at your heart and He is never wrong. He chose you, stretch marks, one limb, scars and all. It is the One who called that is important, not the one who is called.