Turn Your Problems Into A Praise Party!

Turn Your Problems Into A Praise Party!

Turn your worry into worship. Turn to God immediately. That is what the Apostle Paul was saying when he wrote, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” ~Philippians 4:6.

There are so many things to worry about these days. But the Lord wants us to praise Him, instead of worrying about what problems tomorrow will bring. It is then our problems become our praise thus giving God the all the glory and us peace of mind. One may ask, what exactly is worry? Worry is defined as a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems that can occur. It is a common stronghold for women because we tend to be problem solvers, we crave control, and we like to get things done in a timely manner to feel accomplished.

Women are also caretakers, multi-taskers, and list-makers. That creates a lot of room for us to worry, but God desires us to worship and trust Him, by releasing our worries. It's not always easy to do. Let me share how I went from,"what if" to,"what is." I was in this state of anxiety for the past three weeks. With our daughter preparing for college, prom and supporting her track meets, appointments, traveling to get our other daughter from college, self caring, yard work, battling writer’s block, and a tight schedule, I’ve gotten so behind on this blog.

And in between home and business, I have several other projects to get done.  Along with that is a nagging sense of pressure to produce inspirational, transparent pieces that minister to women on a practical, but spiritual level that points them to Jesus during those days of,"what the heck!" As I brooded over everything I needed to get done, the “what ifs” started popping in.  Things like “what if I get further behind on the blog (sigh), what if I lose my inspiration completely, what if I never get to finish those projects, and what if I’m not equip to do what God has called me to do?

I started to talk to God, well more like fall apart and I realized this was all self-inflicted worry.  I'd placed all these expectations on myself, standards without flexibility to be human, or extending myself no grace.  I'm on God's time and He has given me this blog, ministry, gifts, and creative ideas to proclaim His Word, and help women to invest and live. My job is to make sure I’m tuned into His leading through my intimate time with Him every day.

"Remember God's timing is perfect and so is His track record!"

My job is to put the time in reading, studying, praying, and living out the things I teach.  God’s job is everything else that is out of my control. This tee is a reminder for me to turn my problems into praise. Ooh, I can finally exhale knowing I'm in God's hands.